If any one can use some cards from these sets, let's make a deal.
I picked up a box of each for $10 each. I don't really need any of them, but thought they might make some decent trade bait. If you could give a poor Mariner fan some help with a wantlist known as the super set, let me know what team or cards you are looking for and we might be able to work something out.

Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Highlight finds
I stopped by a local card store on Friday to pick up some supplies. When I got there they had a sign outside that said Vintage Card Blowout Sale. That got me excited. I go in and find that the vintage stuff is boxes and sets from 1988-1991. WOW, is that considered vintage now?? Anyways, all the "vintage " boxes and sets were $9.95, buy 5 get 1 free. How could I pass up that kind of deal? One of the boxes I bought was an 1989 Bowman box. I was able to pull cards for some of my player collections: Tony Gwynn, Dale Murphy, and Alvin Davis. The genius behind the counter says, "the 89 Bowman is the way to go. If you can pull a few of the Griffey rookies, you'll make your money back. They book at $8 a piece." First off, I'm not looking to make a fortune here, and who goes by book value? I was hoping for my players I like and maybe some Mariners to add to the pile. I did end up pulling one of these:
Is this the beginning of the road to millions?? If any one has some needs from 89 Bowman, I might be able to help, they are available for any Mariners that could help on the super set.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
REALLY??!! Are they that dumb??
I find it hard to believe that these three players from the Jets could be this ignorant. On Tuesday morning receiver Braylon Edwards was arrested for a DUI after blowing a .16. Also in the car with him was tackle D'Brickashaw Ferguson, and defensive end Vernon Gholston. All three had been drinking until 5 in the morning and then decided to drive. Only 10 days ago the Jets had offered to all players a free car service, all that was required was a phone call. You mean to tell me none of them could car for a car, or better yet with their money, rent a limo? I know that DUI's are common, but really in 2010 do professional athletes not know better yet? I would love to see all three punished, but I'm sure not much will come it like most players that get in trouble.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Am I making assumptions too soon??
I'm curious to know if Ichiro is a lock for the Hall of Fame? Matt over at Heartbreaking Cards of Staggering Genius is keeping a daily update of the pursuit of 200 hits. We won't talk about the second part of the quest for 100 losses. It got me to thinking after a four hit night that now leaves him within 3 hits to reach 200. After this season, Ichiro will have the required 10 years of MLB service to be eligible for the Hall. With his 1434 hits in Japan and 2200+ hits in the Majors, is he a lock for the Hall is he doesn't for some reason make the 3000 hit plateau? I would assume the numbers would make him a first ballot lock to make it, but I would like to know what the rest of the world thinks. I want to extend an early congratulations to Ichiro for soon having 10 consecutive years of 200+ hits. He has been one of the few bright spots in the Northwest this year.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Too Many Grander...Gwynns
I recently did a blog pimp for a newer blog by the name of Too Many Grandersons. Dennis is a man after my heart by being a Michigan Wolverine fan.
He sent me a code for the new Topps Gridiron Giveaway, and sent a long a few cards as a thank you. He did send some Saints football cards, but the treasure was in the Tony Gwynn cards. All in all there had to be about 75 Gwynn cards. Many of them were needed for the never ending quest to get new Gwynn cards. Here are just a few of the cards of beauty.
His package contained newer cards and some nice older cards too. If you want to read a newer blog on the block, but very well done, give him a read. Thanks for the great cards Dennis, and I'm putting something together for you to get out to you soon.
He sent me a code for the new Topps Gridiron Giveaway, and sent a long a few cards as a thank you. He did send some Saints football cards, but the treasure was in the Tony Gwynn cards. All in all there had to be about 75 Gwynn cards. Many of them were needed for the never ending quest to get new Gwynn cards. Here are just a few of the cards of beauty.
His package contained newer cards and some nice older cards too. If you want to read a newer blog on the block, but very well done, give him a read. Thanks for the great cards Dennis, and I'm putting something together for you to get out to you soon.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Blog Bat-Around----If I were Commissioner
Our good friend over at Indians Baseball Cards has fired up the Blog Bat Around. The topic: With Bud Selig supposedly retiring in 2012 (and assuming the end of the world doesn't follow soon afterward), if YOU were asked to become the next Baseball Commissioner, what would you do? What changes would you like to make, what things would you leave as-is, what would you like to see as your legacy when your retirement time came?
I thought about this and had some things I would like to see. Some won't be popular and some may not get done, but here we go.
On Field Moves:
- First, the league would be expanded to 32 teams. I think that there should be 8 four team divisions, with a re-alignment of teams. You could do a North, South, East, and West or however is preferred.
- Second, the schedule would be reduced to 144 games or less. Nobody wants November baseball.
- Third, all teams on the West coast should make only two trips to the East coast, and vice versa. This would save teams money in travel costs.
- One thing that would be very unpopular but I would like to see is the DH rule used in BOTH LEAGUES! everyone likes offense, so give the people what they want.
- Institute a partial instant replay system. This would be done by a fifth umpire in the booth. Managers get one challenge per game, and all other decisions would be made upstairs similar to college football. It was used in the Little League World Series and didn't take long at all. It would not be available for balls and strikes, but fair-foul, safe or out and similar calls.
- The all-Star game would not have an effect on home field advantage in the World Series. Do you expect me to believe that a Mariners player cares if the Yankees have home field in the World Series?
- I want a Salary Floor & Cap. I think that a system similar to the NHL would work. Teams must spend a minimum, but also only allowed to spend so much. If you go over the cap, the percentage that you go over will be applied to a discount in ticket prices the next year. Owners that try to institute a 20-30 year rebuilding plan(Royals, Pirates, Nationals, Mariners, etc.) will be severely fined out of their own pocket.
- Rookies will have a slotted salary format for the players taken in the first round of the draft. There would also be a cap on the salaries similar to the NBA. The days over Strasburg, and Bryce Harper would teams hostage until the last minute will cease. Here's what you will make- take it or leave it.
- Also there would be tougher testing for all PED's including HGH. In both the minors and majors there would be monthly random testing for all things including weed, steroids, and all other new things that come along. This would include blood testing. There would be wording in all contracts to submit to testing or face banishment form the league.
- Find a new system to have players elected to the Hall of Fame. While some players do not deserve to be recognized due to cheating their way to records, the players that worked hard during those times that continue to be passed up should be admitted. There any many players from the past days that today's kids should know who they are, but don't.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Who would you vote for??
After watching King Felix dazzle again last night with another brilliant performance, the announcers kept saying he could win the Cy Young. I know that I might be a biased fan, but tell me why he couldn't win it? If you look at his numbers, the only numbers he isn't near the league lead in is wins. I know in the old day is was all about wins, but would that keep you from voting for him? I figure because of his name and the team he plays for, CC Sabathia will win it this year. Look at a simple comparison of their numbers:
Felix CC
W-L 12-11 19-6
Games 32 31
ERA 2.35 3.03
CG 5 2
SHO 1 0
IP 233.2 217.0
Hits 187 181
Runs 78 81
ER 61 73
BB 64 68
K's 222 179
Avg. .216 .236
WHIP 1.07 1.18
Quality 26 20
The numbers that I think are very telling is that Felix has made 17 starts in which the Mariners have scored 3 of fewer runs for him, going 3-11. CC on the other hand has made only 6 starts that the Yankees have scored 3 or less going 1-4 in those games. If the Mariners could score some runs for him once in a while, he would be up there in the win column too.
If you break down the numbers Felix leads or is in the Top 3 in all categories. So, if a guy pitches like a stud, but plays on a bad team that can't score runs for him, can he win the award? Or do you give it to the guy with the bigger name and plays on a team that can buy the best players? I hope the voters do the right thing. Who would you vote for??? I want to give you a Cy Young vote, who gets in the AL this year??
Friday, September 17, 2010
We are Champions. Do you care?
So last night the Seattle Storm won the WNBA Championship. Is that a big reason to get excited? I'm not bagging on women's sports. I'm glad to see that there is professional leagues for women too. I just don't think it is as exciting as a World Series title or a Super Bowl, or a Stanley Cup. I'm not a big basketball fan, But this town lost it's franchise to a couple of sneaky owners, a idiot of a mayor in Seattle, and a corrupt NBA Commissioner.
courtesy of the BlazersEdge blog
The Sonics were here for 41 years and won the only World title this city has ever had. When they were taken from Seattle, they left and took all the banners and history with them to Oklahoma. We were left with nothing. I'm glad that the ladies of Seattle won last night, but I'm sorry to say it's not the same.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Little help here...
What to write about when you have no thoughts or ideas? I seem to be short on time lately. I haven't bought any cards to speak of. My baseball team is in the toilet, I can't get into football like some do, and hockey hasn't come yet. It seems like there is nothing in the world that I find interesting enough to write about. If anyone has some thoughts about something new I should try or write about I'm all ears.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Never Forget
I find it hard to sometimes believe where time has gone. I like everyone else will always remember where I was that day. I remember too because the job I had at that time was affected by aircraft being grounded. It was any eerie scene for a few days, to not see or hear airplane noise. My family was able to make it to "Ground Zero" when we made our trip to New York. It is an amazing thought to look at the hole in the ground and then look up to think that the towers once stood there.
It is hard to grasp the concept of cops and firemen rushing in to save lives. The small Catholic church that is across the street is an amazing place. Not a window broken, no headstones lost and no damage to anything. The displays in the church now will make you cry. While this country was founded on the thought of being free to think and do as you please, some people need to re-think it( yes you, whack job pastor in Florida).
Today I ask you to not forget the Police, Fire, EMS, civilians, military and all others that we lost that day. From everyone that we lost in New York, Washington, D.C., and in the field in Pennsylvania, they are all American heroes. Let us not forget also the men and women that are in places all over this world that are fighting for us, and protecting us so we can all think and do as we please.
A Red-headed step child of a trade
I know the title sounds bad. It got you here though didn't it. I'm actually finally getting up some of the goodies I recently got in a trade with Cam from Reds and More... Cam was looking for team collectors, and how could I say no to some more M's cards. I sent him my Reds cards, and I received a great, expansive collection of cards, new and old.
Some cards had guys that were here a very short time. One was very good, the other not so much. Obviously the one card Cliff is photo shopped. Do you see the Indians player in the background with a gray uniform? That's not an M's uni.
A minor league card from a kid that had promise, and a couple of a kid that will be up soon to show his potential. This Pineda kid could be the real deal, watch for him in 2011.
A couple of new cards for the PC of the Big Aussie. This year has been a disaster for Ryan. I'm hoping for a bounce back year next year.
How could a trade be complete without a fancy card. A nice Sweet Spot Dual with King Felix.
Thanks again to Cam, and head over and give him a read. I think you will be happy that you spent some time on his blog.
Some cards had guys that were here a very short time. One was very good, the other not so much. Obviously the one card Cliff is photo shopped. Do you see the Indians player in the background with a gray uniform? That's not an M's uni.
A minor league card from a kid that had promise, and a couple of a kid that will be up soon to show his potential. This Pineda kid could be the real deal, watch for him in 2011.
A couple of new cards for the PC of the Big Aussie. This year has been a disaster for Ryan. I'm hoping for a bounce back year next year.
How could a trade be complete without a fancy card. A nice Sweet Spot Dual with King Felix.
Thanks again to Cam, and head over and give him a read. I think you will be happy that you spent some time on his blog.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Happy Birthday...
To ME!! I recently did a trade with Steve of The Greatest 21 Days. He had gone to Cooperstown and bought a pack of 1984 Topps. One of the cards he pulled was a Tony Gwynn. As you may know if you've read my blog, I'm a huge Gwynn fan, and the 84 Topps is on the Prime 9. Steve was willing to send me it for a 84 Topps Andre Dawson. Unfortunately, I do not own one. I was able to send him a 84 Donruss, an 87 Topps Traded, and a couple other Dawsons for the Gwynn. His package arrived Saturday, but I waited until yesterday and opened it as a selfish birthday present. Now the 1984 Tony has come home to stay with me. This means a new card to add to the Prime 9, the 1985 Fleer Tony Gwynn. I won't ask for 1983's because I know people will want to hold on to those cards. Thanks again Steve, and if you like minor league stuff make sure to give his blog a read.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
New blogs on the block
While cruising around this morning, I came across two new blogs out there that deserve a look.
First, there is a new football blog: Too Many Grandersons. Looks good for the football, and the best part is that they are a big Michigan Wolverines fan.
I also found a brand new blog at All About Cards. Looks like it is brand new, but shows promise.
Welcome to the blog world to both these new blogs, and good luck with it.
First, there is a new football blog: Too Many Grandersons. Looks good for the football, and the best part is that they are a big Michigan Wolverines fan.
I also found a brand new blog at All About Cards. Looks like it is brand new, but shows promise.
Welcome to the blog world to both these new blogs, and good luck with it.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Cheney Stadium
I said the other night I would try to get some pictures of Tacoma's stadium. Here is what I was able to do with a camera phone.
The main grandstands, nothing fancy until next year
The field of play
All in all, it was a fun experience. Good luck to the Rainiers in the PCL Playoffs!
The scoreboard
A look at the left field wall
The main grandstands, nothing fancy until next year
The field of play
All in all, it was a fun experience. Good luck to the Rainiers in the PCL Playoffs!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
How could I say no...
As I posted last night, my son and I got a chance to go to the AAA Tacoma Rainiers game last night. Tonight's game is the last at Cheney Stadium as we have known it. After tonight it will start being gutted and have about $30 million worth of upgrades. Not bad for a stadium that is 50 years old.
Anyways, because my wife got the tickets for free, I told myself I wouldn't spend any money last night. WRONG!! As we walked by the little team store the sign in the window said CLEARANCE 30% OFF all merchandise. How could I not look for some cards? I was able to pick up the 2008, 2009, and 2010 team sets. Before the game, my son stood by the dugout and got some autographs, including guys like Ryan Rowland-Smith, Justin Smoak, and Dustin Ackley, way too cool!! While reading the program last night, I found in there that if the Rainiers make the playoffs, the Mariners have made Safeco Field available the first round dates. How cool is that? Alright, pictures of cards:
Even more that have made it, and some that haven't
Not too often that you see the coaches get their own cards
Wow, the trainer, play by play guy, and the mascot
Why give the mascot one card when he can have two??
Alot of last year's call ups...
I seen a lot of these names in Seattle
All these and a checklist too!!
Anyways, because my wife got the tickets for free, I told myself I wouldn't spend any money last night. WRONG!! As we walked by the little team store the sign in the window said CLEARANCE 30% OFF all merchandise. How could I not look for some cards? I was able to pick up the 2008, 2009, and 2010 team sets. Before the game, my son stood by the dugout and got some autographs, including guys like Ryan Rowland-Smith, Justin Smoak, and Dustin Ackley, way too cool!! While reading the program last night, I found in there that if the Rainiers make the playoffs, the Mariners have made Safeco Field available the first round dates. How cool is that? Alright, pictures of cards:
Quite a few guys that have made the majors...
Even more that have made it, and some that haven't
Not too often that you see the coaches get their own cards
Wow, the trainer, play by play guy, and the mascot
Why give the mascot one card when he can have two??
Alot of last year's call ups...
I seen a lot of these names in Seattle
All these and a checklist too!!
I've seen a few too many of all these guys this year
I do have to say that they do have good photos
At least we found a temporary manager down in Tacoma
I guess everybody loves the reindeer mascot, 2 cards again this year
In the end, a fun night even though they lost. There is something cool about minor league baseball in a small park.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Going to the Minors
Tonight my son and I are taking a trip down to Tacoma to take in a little AAA baseball. Should be a decent night. Hope to get in some pictures. Here's to minor league ball...
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